2016-09-06 13:49:02 河南教师招聘网 //ha.huatu.com/jiaoshi/ 文章来源:河南教师资格证考试网
【导读】华图河南教师考试网同步河南教师资格证考试网发布:2016河南教师资格证考试备考:《英语学科知识与教学能力》(中学(2),详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【河南教师考试交流群汇总】 。备考河南省教师招聘考试,为你推荐备考用书招教用书。特岗用书面授课程。更多资讯请关注河南华图教师微信公众号(htzhaojiao) 。
模 块 | 比 例 | 题 型 |
语言知识与能力 | 27% | 单项选择题 |
语言教学知识 | 27% |
单项选择题 简 答 题 |
教学设计 | 27% | 教学设计题 |
教学实施与评价 | 19% | 教学情境分析题 |
合 计 | 单项选择题:约40%非选择题:约60% |
(1)Thousands of ex-army officers have found _________ jobs in private security firms in the US.
(2)The manager persuaded the team to play the game. What actually happened according to this statement?
A.The manager played hard.
B.The team played hard.
C.The team actually did not play.
D.The manager actually did not play.
Human beings are an irritant to Mother Nature, and in spite of the fact that it took their brains five million years to evolve, She can rid Herself of them in an instant. This, however, may not be necessary, since humans seem to be racing to see if they can save Her the trouble. They behave so arrogantly, contending they are superior to Nature. Rain forests are being cut down or burned—not only polluting the air but also causing a drop in oxygen levels. The love affair people have with their automobiles, especially “gas hog” SUV’s, adds to the pollutants in the air and is, yet, another nail in their coffins. Since prehistoric times, humans have been stalking and killing animals, causing many, beginning with the mastodon and saber-toothed tiger, to become extinct. Modern civilization is rushing headlong to slaughter animals in wholesale lots, all the while trying to prove its superiority to Mother Nature, usually with disastrous results.
For thousands of years, humans also have been defacing the earth, making scars upon the land. The throngs of people who responded to the lure of gold in the Yukon totally stripped mountainsides of trees above the Yukon River to make rafts in order to sail 500 miles to Dawson. Forty percent never made it! In the populated areas of the Himalayas very few trees remain since the citizens have cut them down for cooking and heating fires. With most of the trees gone, erosion occurs on a large scale, washing away most of the topsoil, making food production difficult. Even more disturbing is the fact that, due to large-scale cutting, the famous cedars of Lebanon, mentioned in the Bible, no longer exist. Along the same lines, so much of the rain forest in Panama is being destroyed that scientists are predicting the Panama Canal could fill with silt, thus prohibiting ships from crossing the isthmus, due to the effects of deforestation.
Deforestation and erosion, along with changing weather patterns, have led to the fastest-growing regions on this planet—deserts. All the while, populations are exploding worldwide and the proliferation of deserts means there is less arable land to feed the increasing number of people. Starvation on a massive scale will run rampant, and whenever a noted ecologist or environmentalist sends out warnings about such dangers to human life, very few consider giving up any of their conveniences. For instance, they insist on using aerosols and traveling one-to-a-car, thus adding to the emissions, which cause the ozone holes to expand, leading to more cases of skin cancer—a vicious cycle, indeed.
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