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【导读】华图河南教师考试网同步未知发布:河南招教面试四年级英语试讲:At a farm,详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【河南教师考试交流群汇总】 。备考河南省教师招聘考试,为你推荐备考用书招教用书。特岗用书面授课程。更多资讯请关注河南华图教师微信公众号(htzhaojiao) 。
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Unit 6 At a farm
Good morning, the respectful judges. I’m No. 4 candidate, applying for primary school English teacher. Now I’ll begin my presentation.
Warming up/Leading-in
Hello, class, yesterday we learnt a song, do you guys remember the name?
Yeah, you’re right; it’s called ‘Coat in the window’. Okay, let’s sing the song together: “How much is that coat in the window?” one, two! “How much is that coat in the window?......”
Yesterday, we saw many coats in the window, today, we will go to a beautiful place, a farm! A farm is a place, in this place, we can plant many vegetables and feed some animals.
So, try to think, what can you see at a farm? “Dogs?Cats? Now, listen to the tape, then tell me what can you see at a farm. Begin!”
Okay, what can you see at a farm after this listening? LiLei, please, en, sheep, what’s the meaning of it? Look at the picture, they are sheep, 喜羊羊,美羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊,慢羊羊,软绵绵。Sheep, sheep, sheep. Anything else? Han Tian, hen? Yes, sit down, please. Hen, like this(show the picture), ge^ge^ ge, hen, hen, hen ......what are they, class? 他们是什么?Follow me, What are they? What are they? What are they? Yes, they are sheep. What are they? They are cows, mou^mou^... Read after me, cow, cow, cow.
Practice and consolidation
Now, look at the picture on page 45, pairs-working, one can ask your partner what are they at this farm. 2minutes, begin! Finish it? Who can show us what can you see at the farm? Any volunteers? En, Liu Qian and Cao Yuan, please......well done, thank you! Any more? Please, en, en, remember, cow, not co, good, sit down.
Class, look at this picture, are they sheep?他们是绵羊吗?No,they aren’t, what are they? They are horses. Are they hens? Yes, they are. Are they cows? No, they are lambs. Lamb is baby sheep, look at the picture. Lamb, lamb, lamb. Now, I will ask seven students come here, and give you each one a picture about some animals at the farm. Other students can ask them what the animals are. The right as group1, the left as group2. Now, who will? Volunteers? Wow, good, thank you. Let’s begin......
Now, five minutes left, let’s look back what we learn today. What are they?Jason, “they are lambs.” En, Huang Xiaobu, are they cows? No? So, what are they? Yes, sit down, please. Lin Yun, are they horses?very good, class, you all listen my class carefully, I’m very happy, thank you.
After this class, can you draw a picture about a farm for me? Have a try, okay?
Class is over. See you, class.
That’s the end of my presentation. Thank you.
P.s. PEP (Grade four, Unit 6 lesson 1)
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